Myopia management
What is Myopia?
Myopia is more commonly referred to as nearsightedness, or the inability to see objects clearly at a distance. The reason objects are blurry in the distance with nearsightedness is because the eye becomes longer as the child grows.

In the early 1970s, only 25% of Americans were nearsighted. Today, more than 40% of Americans are nearsighted, and that number is increasing at an alarming rate, especially among school-age children.
Who Is At Risk?
Myopia is on the rise – in its frequency and its severity. The reason for its escalation has been linked to two factors:


Why Is Myopia Management Important?
Leaving myopia unmanaged may contribute to more severe eye health complications and sight-threatening conditions later in life, including:
Retinal Detachment
Myopic Maculopathy
Myopia is commonly diagnosed in childhood. Myopia can progress and worsen over time, leading to more severe sight conditions later in life.
In the short term, benefits of myopia management look very similar correcting vision with traditional soft contact lenses.
Corrected vision for daily activities, such as schoolwork
A more comfortable experience versus wearing glasses
No glasses to lose or break
Accommodates more active lifestyle
For children who begin a myopia management program, their vision will not only be corrected today, but the progression of myopia over the child’s growing years may be slowed, potentially minimizing the long-term impact of myopia. Early intervention can:
Reduce changes in the shape of the eye
Slow the worsening of nearsightedness
Decrease the risk of complications like retinal detachment, glaucoma, and cataracts
How Does Myopia Management Work?
In the past, we corrected myopia by prescribing stronger or thicker glasses. Now, we can actually prescribe treatment that can lower a child's risk of these sight-threatening conditions!
Our myopia management program is built around MiSight 1 day contact lenses, the first and only contact lens FDA-approved for slowing the progression of myopia in children. MiSight soft contact lenses fit and feel like regular contact lenses, but they not only correct distance vision, but have the added benefit of being clinically proven to slow the progression of myopia by an average of 59%.
The ActivControl™ technology in MiSight® 1 day uses vision correction zones and treatment zones within the lenses to slow the elongation of the eyeball. By including both types of zones in the lens, it simultaneously corrects the child’s vision today, while influencing the eye to resist getting longer, with the goal of preserving vision for the future.

Can My Child Handle Contacts?
The MiSight lens was studied in children between the ages of 8-12 years old. Children reported excellent vision performance with MiSight 1 day lenses while playing outside, watching TV, doing schoolwork, reading, looking at the computer, and playing video games. Furthermore, studies have shown that children actually experience fewer adverse events that disrupt contact lens wear than college-age contact lens wearers.

Although myopia management has been around for many years, only recently do we have an FDA approved treatment method. Our doctors have gone through extensive training to ensure the best safety and outcome for your child's vision and eye health. We would love to set up a myopia risk evaluation to determine if myopia management is right for your child.