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...And May Flowers Bring Allergies

Writer's picture: Bright Eyes Family VisionBright Eyes Family Vision

May is a great month. The weather is warming up, the sun is shining, and plants are growing. As everything sprouts and blossoms, something sinister starts happening: the pollen count climbs.

All winter, allergy sufferers like myself were content and able to breathe out of our noses without problems. Our eyes were finally comfortable, rather than itchy, watery, and red. As seasonal allergies sneak up on us, we, at Bright Eyes Family Vision, wanted to give you a head start with fighting those symptoms, especially the ones that affect your eyes.

1. Wash your face and body every day

A good rinse and cleanse after a long day is great for not only the mind, but also for allergies! Pollen can stick to your skin and hair and irritate you even after going indoors. Give yourself the gift of nice hot shower after your work day. The steam will also help open your sinuses and provide relief! Make sure to wash your face and eyelids to remove any eye-irritating debris.

2. Invest in a neti-pot

Neti-pots or other sinus flushing systems are amazing for seasonal allergy relief. These devices work similarly to showering to rinse off pollen, except they go directly to the source of discomfort--the sinuses. Pollen and other irritants can get stuck in the sinuses and repeatedly cause allergic responses. By flushing out the irritants, you can get back to feeling better sooner.

3. Say goodbye to dry eyes

Dry eyes are the bane of many of our patients and taking allergy medications can potentially dry them out more. Having a well rounded plan for treating your dry eye symptoms is paramount to keeping them comfortable while you’re also experiencing allergies. Make sure to talk with Dr. Pulsfus if you don’t have a plan for treating your dry eye or if you feel that your current methods aren’t working as well as you had hoped.

4. Ingest local honey

While the medical community is torn about this sort of allergy remedy, some people swear by it. The idea behind eating local honey is that by ingesting pollen from your area, you will be less bothered by it when it comes time for seasonal allergies. If you’re like me, you’ll try anything to lessen the effects of your allergies. Try having some local honey in your morning tea or putting some on your oatmeal. Your allergies might improve or they’ll stay the same but since this remedy doesn’t have many downsides, it can’t hurt to try!

5. Stay away from your irritants

It might be hard because of how beautiful it is outside, but staying away from what irritates your allergies could be the easiest way to stop your symptoms. I am notorious for staying inside on beautiful, warm, and windy days because I know that my seasonal allergies are going to be terrible if I leave my house. Allergen blocking air-filters and air conditioning units work wonders on someone who is suffering from allergies.

6. When all else fails, consult your physician

There are many different forms of treatment for seasonal allergy sufferers. If your symptoms affect primarily your sinuses or respiratory tract, consulting your primary care physician is a great idea. If your allergies affect your eyes more, schedule an evaluation with Dr. Pulsfus.

There are options that are only available through doctors, such as prescription medications and immunotherapy shots, that can help. If you’re miserable and nothing seems to be working, talking with your doctor is a great first step to relief.

Seasonal allergies can really disrupt your quality of life. We hope these tips help you to have a more pleasant, and less itchy, spring and summer.

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